divine feminine, divine masculine

January 1st, 2022 there was a tide turning back to the Divine Feminine energy. 

I felt it, many others felt it. 

I had the Divine Mother come to me and tell me I was her, she was me and I was to start bringing through codes of consciousness. Some of what has been shown to me since that first encounter has culminated in this piece here about the two qualities of this energy we all carry no matter our physical form. 

When we think of masculine and feminine, we may think of how we present in human form, though each of us no matter which gender we present as, hold both of these energies.

When we find balance and harmony within these energies and how they interplay, we have peace. We are able to see and understand how our relationships play out within the two energies.

Let’s break down the characteristics. 

When we are operating from our divine feminine aspect, we are creative, intuitive, empathetic, nurturing, caring, in touch with our emotions, insightful, receptive.

When we are operating from our divine masculine aspect we are action based, protective, calm, have form, are structured, organised, safe, we offer refuge.

The feminine energy is cyclical, the masculine energy is linear. 

The feminine heart, the masculine brain. 

The feminine earth, the masculine spirit. 

The feminine matter, the masculine consciousness. 

Like the perfect balance of yin and yang energy.

Now let’s step into how these energies interplay within us. 

When we speak from the mind, this is our masculine energy. 

When we speak from the heart, this is our feminine energy.

The mind is consciousness, masculine, linear. When that thought comes, or when we have an idea, or when we have a dream, this is in consciousness. When our masculine takes action, and creation comes about say maybe you have a thought and write it down, maybe you have an idea and you create, maybe you have a design for your house and you start getting the furniture or the tools or equipment you need, the minute that thought translates into matter, something tangible, this is when it becomes feminine. 

Feminine is matter. Feminine is creation. 

The moment that conscious thought becomes matter is the switch. 

Think about gestation or conception - the masculine impregnates the feminine, the feminine then takes that seed, multiplies it, grows it, creates matter and births creation.

Where we are focusing our conscious awareness, where we are choosing to tap into either our masculine or feminine sides, sometimes it is a flow between the two energies, When you are speaking directly, facts, figures, rationally, here is your masculine. When you are speaking of emotion, memories, feelings, here is your feminine.

If we expand this, think about matter in regard to the planet, trees, animals, plants - all of these are cyclic. They follow the tides, they follow the cycles of life, the seasons, that is all feminine creation - Mother Earth.

How does the cycle continue? What powers this continuous change? It is the energy of the sun, the sun is masculine. That direct, constant, never ending beam and source of light. 

Every living thing has differing layers of consciousness - the masculine element to the matter of life.

The sun creates photosynthesis, allows things to grow, allows warmth, allows the seed to grow, allows the food of those animals to grow, without the sun there would be no life. The sun is consistent, reliable, always here, the same intensity as we orbit around it. And the balance of the sun is the moon. The counter balance. Sun-energy-consciousness. Moon-cycles-flow. 

This energy, how does this show up within us? 

When we are balancing the feminine and masculine aspects, we can come to our conscious awareness and where we are speaking from - when we are using our mind, stepping into thought, when we are speaking our truth is our masculine. The feminine energy is when we talk about our feelings, when we are speaking from love. 

Masculine energy in its divine form is truth, Feminine in its divine form is love. “I think…”masculine, ‘I feel…” feminine.

“I know…” is different. Knowing can be intuition. Knowing can be knowledge.

Knowing is the balance between thinking and feeling, the combination of the two elements. The information or learning coming in, then when balanced with the practice, or the embodiment, this then becomes knowing. We know it in our bones, in our gut. 

Think about that as a concept - I think, I feel, I know, this is the balance.

When we want to speak from the essence of creation, when we want to speak from the essence of the feminine and masculine in harmony, we can drop down into our sacral, into the seat of creation, the seat of our knowing, the seat of our balanced aspects and start to speak from here. 

The sacral region is right below your belly button. We easily speak our minds and from our masculine energy. When you want to speak from the heart (feminine) you put your hand on your heart, and feel what you are feeling, speaking your truth from love. When we come down into that sacral region and we place our hands here, we speak from the seat of our power and if there is a combination of thinking and feeling and knowing. Placing our hands on our sacral and speaking, we are then speaking this universal truth, we are speaking this balance, speaking this knowledge, all of which is deep seated within us. 

One of the things that I did to bring through more of a balance of energy was to see the four elements of the masculine and the feminine energy…

Divine masculine

Divine feminine

Wounded masculine 

Wounded feminine

These are the four polarities. Like an energetic quadrant.

At any moment you can be speaking from your divine feminine essence, or reacting from your wounded masculine or the wounded feminine. Once these parts of ourselves are observed, you can be witness in any moment to where you are choosing to speak, act and react from.

Once you come into observance of those four aspects, and each is the duality - divine masculine and feminine is a duality, wounded masculine and feminine is a duality, wounded and divine masculine, wounded and divine feminine. It’s like all four of these points and we can flow between them. It’s just about being aware. 

It is important now, before doing this exercise, to understand the aspects of the four quadrants, and to see how they can either feed off each other, heal or balance each other out.

Divine Feminine -  is caring, nurturing, intuitive, receptive, patient, kind, creative, trusting, vulnerable, in flow, understanding, understands and honours their emotions, open to change, accepting

Divine Masculine - is protective, calm, creates structure, form, is reliable, is communicative, offers safety, takes action, take responsibility for self and their actions, is rational, humble

Wounded Feminine - is jealous, fearful, insecure, accusatory, reactive, manipulative, undermining, unsupportive, needy, victim mentality, over-emotional responses, codependent, defensive

Wounded Masculine - is aggressive, abusive, argumentative, resentful, reacts from anger, judgemental, practices avoidance, unreliable, shuts down, careless, egotistical, unstable, no responsibility taken for own actions, competitive, ego driven, ‘win at all costs’, materialistic, bully mentality.


Looking at these lists you may see traits you have displayed in the past and realisations as to what the trigger points were for you. There must be an understanding of what triggers you, it is not the responsibility of the other person. These are the parts of you that still require healing. We in every moment have the choice as to how we respond, where we choose to respond from, and if we choose to let the trigger affect us-or if we see it as an opportunity to let go, move through and release a stagnant or held energy. 

We cannot look at one, without looking at the other, we cannot heal one, without healing the other. This is self reflection, what do I have to observe when reacting in the moment? Which part of myself is choosing to speak at this moment?  It is acceptance of who I am in physical form. Knowing that this kind of work allows that light to shine through, the love, the essence, the beauty. When we are in divine feminine and divine masculine, nothing shines brighter. Nothing shines brighter because you are not operating from a place of unawareness, reaction, you are not coming from a place of hurt, mistrust, fear, you are not coming from a place of past experiences or past woundings. It's like ok, I see it, I recognise it, I release it. You can ask, show me, give me a body signal when it shows up for me in my life. 

How do we operate from our divine aspects? The pause. 

The single most important thing to do is see these four quadrants. When you are feeling triggered, when a situation or conversation does not go as planned, pause.

Our instant reactions are generally from these places of wounding. Our responses after the pause and after we have reflected or checked in are more from our divine aspects. Even a response like - “let me think about how I feel about this” is a pause rather than a reaction. 

The ultimate question in this kind of situation is - “what would love do?” Ask yourself how would love respond? What would love say? This is how to find your divine aspect to answer from.

The first thing that I did before healing any parts of my wounded masculine or my wounded feminine, was to bring in the masculine aspect of me. So, if you are in a masculine form, I would say to bring in your feminine aspect, if you are in a feminine form, I would say to bring in your masculine aspect. This is seeing yourself mirrored in the opposite physical form.

See yourself as the opposite aspect, how you would look, how tall you are, how big are you, your personality traits, what is it that you like to do, imagine yourself, visualise yourself as the opposite form standing in front of you. So when I did that, I was kind of like-wow he’s really good looking, I would be attracted to him! 

Kinda looked like my brother, though a bit taller. 

And it was this feeling of myself mirrored as the opposite sex twin. Facing me, nose to nose, and talking to them, conversing with him, If I was to be born as a male instead and lived my life-what would be different, how would I be different? What would be the learnings? What would be the teachings? What is that I am needing within myself? What parts of me was I calling back? Would the world look and feel different to me?

A big one for me was feeling safe within the masculine energy. I was always blaming the men in my life for not making me feel safe. But it starts with me. So, bringing that element of the masculine version of me was like well, what can you offer me in this moment?  I can offer you protection, I can offer you safety, I can offer you the feeling of feeling safe within the masculine energy. I can be that man that you have always wanted in your life-within you. Standing there, I see and absorb that masculine energy coming in, where I am complete and whole within. It is like if I am the feminine inside, then this masculine is cocooning me, and it was kinda like this enveloping feeling calling back all of my masculine aspects, within me. I felt safe, I felt seen, I felt protected. These feelings were created by me, for me for the first time in my life.

I am presenting as a female in this lifetime. By calling back my masculine, I felt a sense of empowerment and understanding of what I was looking outside of myself or expectations of what someone else should be offering me. Now, I invite you to be open to what the messages are, you are open to how it goes. Easy. Ask of this aspect to show you where your opportunities for healing are, what message do they have for you? It doesn’t matter what form you are in this life, call in the opposite to how you present or feel you align with. 

We are calling forward your balanced counterpart of energy.

For me it felt like it was the big brother I had always dreamed of, within me. I started talking to this side of me and conversing with it. Why do I feel like this when this happens, or how can I look at this differently? Or show me where I need to heal. There was a feeling of solidness, a feeling of grounding within my energy. This was new, I had not experienced this before. 

My time in Mexico is when I really started healing the wounded feminine and the wounded masculine sides of myself. I went into deep rabbit holes with it. I wanted to see if I am drawing on that wounded masculine or feminine and asking it to resolve, then asking it to move through me, I wanted to see how, what was the point of conception for this aspect moving through me. How did it come through in my life?

We can look at the wounded masculine within and attribute those aspects to our father or the feminine with our mother though when we understand the concept of the wounded feminine and masculine, we can see that both of our parents displayed aspects of both of those energies. There is no blame or shame offered here, this is just awareness, understanding, compassion. 

Looking at your current relationships, you may see how you or your partner have reacted in the past and where you have operated from. 

When we consciously choose to be more in our divine aspects, our worlds change. You create this change by flowing between both energies for what is needed in the moment. Say your partner is in their emotion, expressing themselves or being vulnerable. This is when you would flow into your divine masculine aspect and hold space, create a feeling of safety without any desire to fix or change their situation, you are just listening and being present. It takes courage and presence to be in your divine aspects. It takes time for you to feel comfortable to be in your divine aspects. 

When you feel you have a grasp on these beautiful parts of self, try the meditation again, invite the opposite aspect of self into your field, see it, visualise them coming to you and sharing their message. This is bringing parts of you back home, parts of you missing, lost, are now within you and whole.

You are the one to create an energy of safety within you, and for those around you. You are the creator of your reality and if in doubt, simply ask, what would love do?

what would love do?


toot toot tooting my own horn…


the yin and yang of the well