
living a life free within consciousness…

this is the introduction my newest book, I would love for you to read, and of course within the school of imagination you are able to see more before publication. enjoy my love x


I am writing this book for you love, for those whom hold these pages, this book is for you.

To feel free… 

Free from your past trauma and woundings, free to express yourself, free to love wholly, free to be you.

I had been broken for so long, it’s now time to be whole again, of my own making. Of my own doing. Of my entirety. 

For those who broke me over and over, left me long behind in the shadow of memories that hover just outside my peripheral, waiting for my to slip or tumble.

Now it is time for me to open the doors, the windows, bring in the light, air the laundry like the crisp white sheets on the line on a sunny afternoon. With no shame remorse or guilt, just pure love.

There is a time for sadness, burying oneself into the deepest of wells, feeling forgotten and cast aside. Now is the time with each shadow trying to pull me back into the depths, to release the hold, one finger at a time, and say nope, been there, done that and its time for something new.

My stories are to be of freedom, not of injustice and pain. My stories speak of rebellion and grace, not dysfunction, destruction and heartache.

I choose my story, and I know it’s not finished yet. Not by a long shot.

This is my own personal journey to find my sense and feeling of free, and my only wish is to guide you to yours. I have shared here my experiences, the visualisations and techniques I use, which get me through practical day to day habits that have transformed my life. 

My name is Nicole. 

I teach spirituality, metaphysics and consciousness through the direction of this overflowing well of life force energy that surrounds us always. I love what I do and am always so beautifully surprised by the changes and transformations that occur with the work I do within myself, and then within others.

Forever I am humbled by having access to the great field of consciousness and my gift is for you. For you to know that you have access to this aswell always.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, or if you have picked this book up to explore avenues of healing and transformation, enlightenment, love and practical, easy ways of accessing your true potential and your souls expression.

Welcome, my friend. Welcome to my story, with the knowing that all of our stories are intertwined like a beautiful symphony, a symphony of cosmic love. 

I invite you to ride the waves with me.

I see you, I honour you, I love you. Nicole x

*** applications are open for free… living your life free within consciousness 12 week program. a closed container of only 12 participants to experience the book, the teachers workbook and and how I created this process . register your interest with nicole direct, or book your spot here x


the yin and yang of the well


love, love, love…