love, love, love…

how do we write about the feeling of love?

even as I type these words, my heart starts tingling, I feel a softening, I feel a lightness come over my body. the physical responses to bringing in the energy of love. so I invite you now, if you are reading this, to take a moment and close your eyes and bring forth the energy of love into your body. ask your body to show you what love feels like for you…. take your time…

does it bring forth memories of childhood? a connection you have now? what was your body’s physical response? an opening or expansion? tingling or fluttering? a softening?  is it a feeling of self love? unconditional love? romantic love? is it calm, peaceful? did fear or chaos come forth? something else?

your experiences up till this point shape the way we perceive love. and to create a feeling of safety within love, calm within love can be something we are cultivating for the first time. maybe you have always felt calm and peaceful with the energy of love? 

love is the way forward, we hold great power within our love in regards to healing, more peace and calm in our lives, we have better relationships, we have more compassion and forgiveness for those in our lives present and past.

now, come back to this energy of love. ask this energy to expand. expand this feeling of love within your body, out from the heart. with every breath in, more love comes in, with every exhale, your field expands within you and around you. hold this energy. feel it grow and grow. love is infinite, abundant, there is no end to love and yes, you are deserving of this and so much more. this feeling, is for you. this feeling is you.

now, let’s play. you can direct this energy, you can turn it up, you can expand it, share it. shoot it out of your fingertips - pew pew pew! you can envelop your loved ones with a delicious foamy pastel pink cloud of love. you can direct it like a fire hose, soft pillowy waves, however you visualise your love, whatever colour, whatever shape,  send it to those you love, send for healing, comfort, the budding of a new romance. visualise it, send it.

this is playing with the energy of love, simple simple simple. and if it is you that is needing this love, direct it back to self. see it surround you and envelop you. send it to your heart, soften into your power of love. 

when we are in this field of energy, imagine now being in a conversation with this energy of love. would we respond differently? if we were having a difficult conversation, would it go differently if we were in the energy of love? listening from love? speaking from love?

in any moment we can bring this energy into our world. when we feel other emotions arise, we can allow them to pass through - flowing through us and then flow back into the energy of love. 

if you are feeling frustrated, angry, disappointed, fearful? close your eyes and allow this energy to pass through and see it followed by love for self. each emotion that we fell is just an experience. all emotions are just energy. so it is up to us, the individual how we choose to live our lives. it is our responsibility as to what energy we operate and speak from. even when a challenge comes up in your day, there is an opportunity to pause, and feel into the energy of love. what would love say here? how would love respond? what would love do?

anytime I am triggered or have an emotional reaction to a situation or conversation, I pause. 

the pause is paramount. pause and ask - what would love do? and you may be surprised with what comes through.

there is no fear or judgement from a place of love. there is no wounding of others with our words. we are not looking to win points or to be right. we are not wishing to hurt others. 

and the benefits? this is not just a spiritual practice - this is a holistic approach to your healing and wellbeing. when we operate from an energy of love, our nervous system is regulated, less stress, less agitation, more healing in our own body and cells. less susceptible to disease and illness, we are not storing stuck or stagnant energy in our bodies, everything becomes easier, including recovery after injury, recovery after sickness. we see the beauty in the moments more. more presence in our lives, more being present. whatever energy we focus on and direct our attention to becomes our reality - so let’s focus on love. the flow on is that we change those around us also. we send these beautiful ripples of love out into our world for others also. we show the way for our children, friends, family. we become the change we wish to see in others. joyous, loving, kindness - it all starts with self.

love is harmony. love is understanding, love is compassion. love is forgiveness. love is in the moments.

love is love. 




the greatest fear we have…