the greatest fear we have…

the greatest fear we have…

there is a place of silence within us, buried and dusty, in the far reaching corners and undisturbed parts of our subconscious mind where we fear to tread.

we fear others seeing it, knowing about it or when we are not aware of it we tend to respond and react from this place.

It is where we hold our secrets, our wishes and desires, it is where we hold the memories of hurt, loss, pain and despair. It is the place where we fear that if others or those we care about were to find out about such a place, they would no longer love us, or even like us.

we can refer to this place as the shadow. we can lay ownership to it - my shadow, when we start to look at it it can be referred to as shadow work. it can be painful to look at or recognise, it can also be the place of our greatest healing. we are all here to heal, and whether we choose to heal or not, we all have this shadow side to us. though the shadow is not to be feared.

without our shadow, there is no light. without this duality, there is no balance. the shadow is a great teacher of why we do the things we do, we say the things we say, it reveals what we have in every moment to observe and work through. it is also a place that needs our love, tenderness, care and understanding.

and how do we do this?

say you are with a friend and they make a off hand comment. this innocuous comment triggers a well of emotion for you. it reminds you of a situation, conversation, a person who has hurt you in the past. in this moment you have a choice. you can push the emotion aside, stop it from coming up, distract yourself, react or shutdown (some or all of these may have experienced in the past) -or- you can allow the emotion to move through you. you take a deep breath and release this emotion, feel it well up inside of you, feel the sensations your body has attached to this, say to yourself, I choose to release this emotion in this moment, and just allow the emotion to pass. it may feel like a heat through your chest, or a burning sensation in your heart, it may feel like you need to move your body, or shake out your hands. do so. and with every exhale, allow it to pass easily. allow it to literally lift from your body and to the ether. it is easy, it happens quickly.

it is that simple.

as humans we tend to overcomplicate things, yes?

think about this - everything is energy - including emotions. emotions, thoughts, feelings are part of our existence, just like a river, the stars, sunrise. all just an experience. we as humans have taken great pride in pushing aside, masking or holding onto emotions. and each time we do this we are unwittingly stopping the flow of energy through us. every time we shut down, we shut down our energy. we experience tiredness, irritability, agitation. we compact emotion on top of emotion which then in turn creates blockages and sickness, illness, disease.

to compound this, we fear to look at these stored emotions, so more is stacked on more.

the clearing process though is simple. this simple practice of releasing emotions as they come up, remaining soft, open, allowing energy to flow freely through us means that we can release. we have freedom from our emotions, we become more the observer than the participant. this leads to more harmony in our lives, energetically, physically, spiritually,

when we look at our shadow side, great gifts begin to emerge. we have a deeper level of compassion and understanding for self, and others. we realise triggers are great teachers of what we can move through or heal now. the shadow is not to be feared, the shadow is here to show us what parts of ourselves are looking for more love.

and the benefits?

well, by allowing this continuous flow of energy to be always moving through you, releasing stuck and stagnant emotions allows for this beautiful new way of seeing yourself and those around you. it allows for more space in your world for creativity, more love, more forgiveness, more joy.

remember, it is easy, and this flow of energy is yours. it has always been yours.

now get out there and love all over your shadow you beautiful being of light!


love, love, love…


why meditate?