what is energy healing?

what is energy healing?

we are the gatekeepers of our infinite energy and we don’t not even realise for the most part how powerful our energy is.

every thought, every emotion we experience requires energy. every thought and emotion we push away or cling to requires energy to do so.

think about times in your life when you have felt lethargic, beyond comprehension tired, we don’t have any energy or we feel completely drained after interacting with people or situations.

now think about the times in your life you have felt boundless energy, excitement, unable to eat because we have this overflow of energy keeping us buoyed.

the reason for this is that we have an infinite abundance of energy available to us always that isn’t from energy sources outside of ourself - it is not from food or sleep - it is the universal life-force energy. this energy flows in when we are open, and the flow is halted when we close. so when we experience pain, discomfort, someone says or does something that hurts us, we generally close or shut down. when we feel loved, safe, joyous - we soften and open these centres.

when we realise that we have this ultimate well of universal energy available to us, when we realise we are in control and are able to direct this energy and our own, we realise that we never have to feel depleted again. we always have the choice of shutting down, or opening.

when we consciously choose to stay open, we allow this flow of energy to buoy our energy sources, we are one with consciousness and streams of energy flood our system. when we shut down, these energy centres close and we cut ourselves off from this life force energy.

let’s think about energy specifically in regards to our thoughts. when we have absolute statements like “I never…” “this always happens…” we are blocking things from ever being different. we are basically telling the universe - this is what I expect to happen and the universe responds with and so it will be.

we have shut down our neural pathways and told our mind this is the way it always happens, I do not expect or be open to anything different or this going differently. when we speak it out loud, we say to our bodies - this is what I expect and what has happened in the past and so it shall happen again exactly like this also.

for one 24hr period, laser in on these kind of statements and just notice how frequently you say these words to yourself or out loud. keep a little tally, and if you are able to, correct yourself in the moment with - sometimes, in the past, this is how it has happened or I have found that sometimes this has happened for me. observe, without judgement, how many absolute statements you have spoken.

we are the masters and creators of our world. whether we know it or not, we are. which means that every thought, feeling, action and step we take in our life is energy in motion. once we accept this, we are able to see how we are at cause or effect of this energy around us.

take a moment now to see what has happened for you in the past and as above, reflect on your thoughts, actions, emotions, responses or reactions. without judgement or fear and just observe each way you, your body, your thoughts responded to every occurrence.

what emotion did you consciously choose to respond and react from. did you direct your energy, or did the emotion or thought direct you? were you at cause, or effect?

you have permission to feel your feelings, you are safe to feel your emotions, this isn’t about pushing aside or down unwanted feelings, nor is about clinging to those we deem as wanted. this is about opening and softening our heart and all energy centres to allow the energy to flow through us. when we stop this energy flow by pushing, pulling or clinging, this is when we experience that notion of being “blocked” so, if you see these energy centres as valves that are at our will, whether conscious or not, open and close, we can choose consciously to remain open and allow the flow of energy easily.

think about a difficult situation or conversation you have had recently. your normal, physiological response without thought may have been to shut down, to close off, to “protect” yourself. you may have been triggered or had an emotional reaction whether in the present moment or afterwards. the situation may of affected your whole day. If you chose to let it.

imagine in that moment, that instead of closing off, you softened. you softened consciously your heart space, you softened your emotions, and you allowed the energy to gently pass through you. you responded from peace and calm, you were unaffected by these emotions or feelings.

this is a practice, this is something to bring awareness to and with time this alters and changes the flow of your energy and the way the whole situation goes. you have altered your neural pathways into knowing that you are safe, your body responds differently, you feel it change the way you perceive things.

this is the stepping off the great karmic wheel, where we consciously choose to be the master of our emotions, responses and reactions. we no longer automatically respond with what we perceive to be from a hurt or low vibration space. we can observe from a place of safety that the other person or the situation is bringing forth an opportunity for us to grow or choose differently.

we are now directing our energy from the infinite universal energy and it flows easily through us. we are consciously raising our vibration because we choose to respond from a different space. absolute statements cease to exist because we choose to allow space for it to go differently to the past. the choice is always yours. the practice of remaining open is one of great freedom - and an easy way to begin is the simple mantra of soften, soften soften. say it whenever you feel yourself tensing or closing off.

soften, soften, soften.

you are not your past.

“for now is not then, 

and you are not that.

you are here, 

this is you and this is yours.”

- (taken from nicole’s book - just me & the sea)

and if energy healing has piqued your interest, book a session with nicole.

if you are wanting to learn more about energy healing - join the master & creator program or register your interest for the school of imagination coming soon!


let’s normalise spirituality…