let’s normalise spirituality…

what does it mean to be spiritual?

there is famous quote that I love by Ram Dass that says - “As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love, and then the barriers between people, between religions, between nations will begin to fall. Yes, we have to beat down the separateness.”

this is the feeling I have in regards to being spiritual. for I do not see the separation. if you believe in a higher power, that is what it means to me to be spiritual. believing in a power greater than yourself, seeing that version of your religion, of your light. the light in me sees and recognises the light within you.

whether it is faeries or angels, whether you choose to worship the sun or mother earth, whether you believe in an organised religion or ancient teachings, to me being spiritual is a life of living from the heart and being in a state of love. not wanting to give love, or to receive, but being love. for when we live from a place of love, speak from a place of love, and listen from a place of love we truly are at one and connected to the All.

living a spiritual life is to be in communion with god, (universe, source) and a place of letting god be god. the greater plan that unfolds around us in every moment, the great mystery or unknown is to be seen through the eyes of childlike innocence and curiosity. the state of play, the flow state. spirituality can look so many different ways to different people, so the basis of being kind, not hurting any living creature, being diligent with your actions and living from a place of love.

no hierarchy, no singularity of belief, allowance of each soul to exercise their free will into how spirituality looks for them.

So, if you love meditating, great. if you connect by being in nature and communing with the trees or rivers - wonderful. if being spiritual is you being kind to each person you see in your day or praying and showing gratitude for all that you have received, being generous with your time or energy - this is the way you show your connection.

being spiritual is just that - the state of “being” being love, being kind, being grateful, being you in your fullest expression - this is you being in communion with your own soul and allowing that unconditional love and free will shine through.

spirituality - the key to teachings is more about understanding you. there are questions you have, there are knowings you have, and your are truly the one who holds the answers. to your healing, to your growth, to your wisdom.

each aspect of living a spiritual life is up to you. to create your daily rituals and habits for you, to love yourself completely, to find what teachings or practices you love that bring you joy.

you are your greatest teacher, your life experience is yours to live. and so rather than find the answer to what is spirituality? ask what is spirituality to me?

find your tools and hone them, sharpen them. find what works for you, what aspects you resonate with, love your life and live your life with love.

and remember, I am always here to talk all things spirituality to help you find your path for you.

at our core, at our heart, our soul level we are all spiritual beings. it’s our masks that get in the way of letting this spiritual glow shine through.


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